25 years of turning garbage into art
Kimberly Chun, August 13, 2015
Long before high-low entered the cultural lexicon, and reclaimed wood and recycled metal became common design features, Recology San Francisco was helping artists salvage society’s rejects from the Dumpster of trash culture.
Artillery: “Val Britton: Gallery Wendi Norris / San Francisco”
Barbara Morris, September 2, 2014
Maps may serve as metaphors for our journey through life, compelling in their ability to arrange potential experience around an objective matrix; the paths taken, and those missed, forever resonate in our subconscious. Taking the map as a point of departure is San Francisco-based artist Val Britton.
The Morning News: “The Shape of Paper to Come”
Rosecrans Baldwin, August 11, 2014
In Val Britton’s elaborate collages and installations, paper becomes capable of creating new worlds.
San Francisco Chronicle: “Exhibits of work by Gyorgy Kepes, Val Britton”
Kenneth Baker, July 25, 2014
Maps in search of their territory: Since the turn of the 20th century, visual artists have sought ways to evoke in static media the agitation of experience caused by modern speed and by the very passage of time. The new technologies of transport - the railroad and later, flight - along with cinema, posed the big challenges then. San Franciscan Val Britton enters this stream late, gauged by the fact that digital media have created whole new fast lanes for inquiry, recall, amnesia and exchange.
Artsy Editorial: “After Tackling Facebook's HQ, Artist Val Britton's Star is on the Rise”
Tess Thakara, July 24, 2014
Visitors to Facebook’s headquarters may catch a glimpse of a delicate structure suspended between two floors of the internet giant’s Silicon Valley nerve center. Named Cascade and composed of cut-paper fragments, ink, and thread, the mobile is the work of Val Britton, an artist whose star is on the rise.
Huffington Post: “Cartographia: Artifacts of a Creative Journey,” Torrance Art Museum
James Scarborough, June 10, 2014